Oct 26, 2021Liked by Luke Craven

Thanks Luke - always like your musings - funnily enough on this occasion I was just reading some academic stuff myself on metaphor and this paper (below) sets out different forms of analogical reasoning including irony and paradox as ways to understand organisations which was leading me down similar paths of thought...

(Oswick, Cliff, Tom Keenoy, and David Grant. “Metaphor and Analogical Reasoning in Organization Theory: Beyond Orthodoxy.” Academy of Management Review 27, no. 2 (2002): 294–303. https://doi.org/10.5465/AMR.2002.6588045.)

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Have you had a chat with Dr Richard Claydon? If not you should!

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Oct 26, 2021Liked by Luke Craven

I like it! Keep it up!!!

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