The mereology of systems mapping.
As you have been thinking about part-part and part-whole relations you might also consider the whole-whole relations coming from Andras Angyal. This was at the foundation of the work on Socio-Ecological Systems theory, from Eric Trist and Fred Emery.
This perspective world become named as an ecological epistemology, posthumously on Gregory Bateson. This coincides with the ecological psychology of J.J. Gibson and ecological anthropology of Tim Ingold.
Thank you, and your colleagues, for that concise paragraph on capabilities. Indeed words to be proud of. 👏🏼
Brilliant insights! I'm really intrigued by this fractal pluralism...
As you have been thinking about part-part and part-whole relations you might also consider the whole-whole relations coming from Andras Angyal. This was at the foundation of the work on Socio-Ecological Systems theory, from Eric Trist and Fred Emery.
This perspective world become named as an ecological epistemology, posthumously on Gregory Bateson. This coincides with the ecological psychology of J.J. Gibson and ecological anthropology of Tim Ingold.
Thank you, and your colleagues, for that concise paragraph on capabilities. Indeed words to be proud of. 👏🏼
Brilliant insights! I'm really intrigued by this fractal pluralism...